EFQM/Business Excellence Model
The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) created an overarching framework that can be used to assess an organisation’s achievement of business excellence. In the UK the British Quality Foundation promotes the model, now often referred to as the Business Excellence Model.
The model focuses on the key elements that sustain business excellence, five of which are enablers (what the organisation does) and four of which are results (what an organisation achieves). The model gives equal emphasis to enablers and result.
The five enablers are:
- leadership
- people
- policy and strategy
- partnership and resources
- processes.
The four areas focusing on results are:
- people
- customers
- society
- key performance.
The model recognises there are many approaches to achieving sustainable excellence in all aspects of performance. It is used extensively by large and small organisations in all sectors, often in conjunction with other tools and techniques.