Motivate Yourself


Author: Andro Donovan

Publisher:  Capstone 2016

ISBN:  978-0-857-08690-7

Pages:  216

This is a book that will help you discover who you are, where you want to be in life and how you can achieve what you need to do to fully motivate yourself to live the life you deserve. It contains practical advice on how to motivate yourself and gives strategies to improve your productivity.

 It’s written in a clear and concise manner with ‘Key Thinking Points’ at the end of each chapter.  It encourages readers to identify their own core values and identify their own strengths and weaknesses. It assists you to move beyond your own self-doubt and gives you the skills to live your own dream.

With practical exercises featured within each chapter, this book will help break those emotional barriers that hold you back and set you on the path to becoming fully engaged and more productive. You will learn how to motivate those around you with productivity at the centre of everything you do.

This book is an excellent read for those who feel their life has become routine and not taking the direction they envisaged. It is very readable with a straight forward, no nonsense look at the attitudes and beliefs which hold us back. It helps you identify what is really important to you and changes your attitude from ‘I can’t’ into ‘I can’ and in so doing empowers you to achieve the life you want based on what you value most. It will Challenge you to discover who you really are and what you are truly capable of achieving.