Ruthlessly Caring


Author:  Amy Walters Cohen

Publisher: Wiley (January 2023)

ISBN – 10: 1394177178

Pages: 336

Leading contemporary organisations requires a different set of mindsets from the ones required by past generations. In Ruthlessly Caring the author Amy Walters Cohen delivers a comprehensive insight and practical exploration of what it means to lead a business in the 21st century.

The book is based on extensive research, and the author does an excellent job of presenting complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. The 12 megatrends that are reshaping the business world are well-explained, and the five paradoxical mindsets are presented in a way that is easy to understand.

The reader will learn in chapter two of the meaning of the five paradoxical mindsets that leaders need to embrace to thrive in today’s business landscape. To become future-fit, the best leaders will learn to combine all these different mindsets to enhance their leadership style. Paradoxical thinking requires that we embrace a view of the world in which opposites are joined, so we can see the world clearly and see it as a whole. Paradoxical thinking is nothing new and has been identified as a source of competitive advantage.

This book is written in an easily accessible style and the author effectively explains the concept of the book. It wasn’t about being a one size fits all leader but much more about how to balance the multi-dimensional demands of our complex and rapidly changing world and think through your own style. The reader will recognise some of the areas they need to think about more consciously. I liked the examples and stories which brough to life the concepts and gave the reader clear guidance on the way forward.

This book is so relevant for the times we are living in where the dilemmas and problems we face are not straightforward but complex/ The author brings in each of the 5 paradoxes to life with real stories of leaders and ideas on how to develop the mindset, behaviours and skill sets required in today’s world. It is a must read for any leader who wants to achieve the best of themselves and the people they lead.