Storytelling With You


Author:  Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

Publisher:  John Wiley & Sons (September 2022)

ISBN – 10: 1394160305

Pages: 384

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic is founder and CEO of storytelling with data and for more than a decade has been delivering interactive learning sessions all over the world that help people create slides and graphs that make sense and weave them into compelling stories.

This book is organised into three sections, plan, create and deliver. In the plan chapters you will learn the importance of your audience and the need to craft your message and set content. In the create chapters you will learn the importance of storytelling as a strategy for organising content. The delivery chapters will develop your skills as a presenter.

In this book the author helps the reader to become an effective communicator. As she correctly indicates “The best ideas in the world go nowhere unless you can get people excited about them.” In her usual readable, friendly prose, Cole will help you become an effective communicator, presenter, and influencer.

It is possible for you to browse specific sections of the book; however, it really should be read as a step-by-step guide that takes you on the journey from concept to presentation of you ideas to an audience. In reading the book you will have access to all of Cole’s experience summed up in a very readable 384 pages. You will learn about such concepts as the Big Idea, considerations for storyboarding and building your story arc, tips to prepare your slide show and how to rehearse for the final event.

The book is written to present the reader with a step-by-step process in what is an easy-to-follow guide to delivering their new skills. While the lessons learned from reading the book provide the knowledge the reader must also make the effort to practice and hone the skills learnt from reading the book if they are to achieve full and tangible benefits when making their presentation to an audience.

Each chapter contains real guidance that you can employ immediately. Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic expertly guides you through the steps to plan, create, and deliver your Big Idea.

This books is a must read for anyone who prepares or delivers presentations be it business meetings, conference presentations or keynote speeches.