The Magic Happens in the Silence


Author:  Rosie Nice

Publisher: Wiley (2022)

ISBN – 10: 1787337055

Pages: 254

The author Rosie Nice has been coaching and training coaches for over 25 years. She has devoted her career to helping others realise their hidden potential. Coaching can create transformational results through the fundamental art of asking insightful questions. This book will guide the reader on which questions to ask and is a comprehensive guide to the art of reflective coaching.

The book has the subtitle “A guide to the art of reflective coaching” this title is intended to highlight that the book is designed to function as the readers companion and support the reader on their journey to becoming a coach. The author has created a five stage MAGIC Methodology around which the book is centred and intended to provide the reader with a series of core coaching questions.

The book consists of 22 sections or chapters and begins by exploring definitions of coaching, the role of the coach and the full range of benefits to be derived from coaching. The book then continues with each section consisting of a series of questions that assist the reader to delve deeply into the questions asked with comprehensive answers and guidance on the topic of the section being provided.

Rosie has a wonderful way of sharing her coaching knowledge and experience with the reader in an effortless and engaging manner. When reading this book, it is clear that Rosie is a great communicator and very experienced coach. She has successfully taken her extensive knowledge and experience and translated it into an easy to understand and very readable book. The MAGIC framework breaks through traditional approaches and provides a model for natural conversations that quickly build rapport and support great coaching outcomes.

This is a professionally written book that successfully explains the art of coaching. Rosie guides the reader through the coaching journey using simple and effective analogies and effectively explains her personal experiences.

This book is informative and a highly recommended read.