The Work Foundation at Lancaster University are inviting individuals to join their webinar which will discuss insecure work in the UK and the challenges for policy-makers as we approach the next General Election.

Date and time – Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:00 – 15:00 GMT

Location Online

Register in advance for this webinar and a Zoom link will be sent 48 hours before the event.

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Increasing secure work in the UK Tickets, Thu 21 Mar 2024 at 14:00 | Eventbrite


Topic of Webinar

The early 2020s have been turbulent years for workers, employers and Government.

The UK has lurched from one crisis to another, and the job you have plays a significant role in how you and your family experienced the most significant reduction in living standards since ONS records began.


Against a backdrop of low economic growth and record levels of long-term sickness, the UK Insecure Work Index 2024 sheds new light on the state of employment and job quality – and the interventions policy-makers should implement to increase the number of secure jobs.


The Work Foundation’s Rebecca Florisson (Principal Analyst) and Alice Martin (Head of Research) will discuss the research, and the implications for those in insecure work and the challenges for policy-makers as we head towards the next General Election.