Membership Grades & Rules

There are four grades of membership of the Institute.  The grade appropriate to you depends upon your qualifications and practical experience in management services.

Corporate Grades


Those applying for Fellow Grade must already have held Life Membership for current and continuous five years, at the grade of Member.  You must formally apply, with the required information and the appropriate upgrade fee.

The following will require two referees of Fellow Grade who must hold IMS Life Membership.  Only in exceptional circumstances will we accept references from Senior Managers.  You may wish to contact IMS Head Office for guidance on referees.

Fellow grade requires:

Age 30+

  • Having both current Life Membership and holding both this and the grade of Member or Member (Dip) for no less than the proceeding 5 years.
  • Currently holding and being able to demonstrate significant experience and responsibility in Management Services.


Age 35+

  • Having current Life Membership
  • and either having held both this and a position of demonstrable influence and responsibility in Management Services
  • or having a major responsibility for advising on areas, within the Institute’s body of knowledge.

For the two examples above, the upgrade fee is £90.00, and you must already hold Life Membership.


  •  In truly exceptional circumstances, by invitation of the IMS Council.

The ‘Fellow’ Grade allows use of the designatory letters FMS to denote professional standing – Fellow of the Institute of Management Services.


Those applying for Member grade must have all of the following:

  • Hold Life Membership and already hold the grade of Associate (AMS)
  • Formally apply with the upgrade fee and supporting information required
  • Hold the Management Services Certificate, or Management Services Diploma
  • Have three years relevant experience in Management Services, with at least two years following award of the Productivity Analyst qualification.

Member grade allows use of the designatory letters MMS to denote professional standing – Member of the Institute of Management Services.

For above, the upgrade fee is £65.00, and you must already hold Life Membership.

Member (Dip) – MMS (Dip)

Additionally those Life Members holding both the Management Services Certificate and the Management Services Diploma can use the designatory letters MMS (Dip). A Membership Certificate will be issued for this grade on completion of the Management Services Diploma.

Non-Corporate Grades


Associate can be awarded, on application, having both:

  • completed the IMS Certificate programme and
  • taken, or are now committing to Life Membership

Associate allows the IMS Productivity Analyst qualification holding member, to then use the designatory letters “AMS” after their name, to recognise their professional standing.  An Associate (AMS) is an Associate Member of the Institute of Management Services.

If Life Membership is taken at the point of award of the IMS Certificate qualification, the upgrade to Associate is automatic and there is no extra fee.

If Life membership and upgrade to Associate is taken at a later date there is a £355.00 life fee plus £65.00 upgrade fee applicable.


This is the initial entry grade granted when applying to join the Institute.  It is the grade included with 5 Year Membership and always applies when someone takes initial IMS membership to register for and commence the education process or whilst they expand their knowledge around topics contained within the Institute’s Body of Knowledge.

Details of our current Membership fees are available here.

Details of our current Membership grades Table can be found here.

Details of our current qualifications can be found here, with further information in our Membership & Exam Rules.